祷告 Prayer

"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

Isaiah 56:7


以赛亚书 56:7

我们相信祷告的力量 We Believe in the Power of Prayer


Let us be the prayer warriors who have the passion for prayer and pray diligently, specifically for the needs within and outside the church, locally and globally.

教会祷告会 Church Prayer Meeting

  • 每月第一个主日崇拜后 Every 1st Sunday of the month 11:15am - 12pm
  • 每月第三个星期五 Every 3rd Friday of the month 7:30pm - 9pm

你需要代祷吗?Need Prayer?

让我们为你祷告。请提交以下代祷需求 Let us pray for you. Just fill out this form and let us know your needs.

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